What is a Trusted Seller on Swappa?

Trusted sellers are individually vetted by Swappa's support team and deemed to be trustworthy and professional.

Swappa expects trusted sellers to:

  • Adhere closely to Swappa’s criteria and policies
  • Always communicate clearly with respect and courtesy
  • Respond promptly (generally within a few hours) to questions from buyers and staff
  • Maintain an extremely low percentage of problem sales
  • Create listings with detailed descriptions, accurate device conditions, and quality photos
  • Communicate proactively with Swappa staff (e.g. before going on vacation if you have active listings)

To show our appreciation, trusted sellers are permitted to use a single code (tied to their user profile) in place of individual listing codes in listing verification photos. Trusted Seller listings also show a Blue Trophy icon to help them stand out from listings from other sellers.

If you have over 50 positive feedback and at least 6 months of account history, you can ask to be considered for trusted seller status by creating a support ticket through our help desk.



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