Marketplace Policies

Last updated: December 01, 2023

Buyer and Seller Communication

  • Swappa provides methods for buyers and sellers to communicate. These methods may include public comments, private comments, private messaging, or providing information for direct contact via email or phone.
  • Swappa does not allow the public exchange of private contact information (e.g. email addresses, phone numbers).
  • Seller is responsible for providing reasonable support for any issues related to the item sold. Seller is not responsible for providing technical support beyond troubleshooting issues related to activation and standard operation of the device.

Product Listings

By listing an item on the Site, you warrant that you and all aspects of the item comply with Swappa's published policies:

  • Rejection or Removal of Listings. Swappa may, in its sole discretion and determination, reject or remove product listings without notice to the Seller.
  • You also warrant that you may legally sell the item.
  • You must accurately describe your item and all terms of sale.
  • You are responsible for ensuring accuracy of all product listings, including but not limited to, pricing, model numbers, descriptions, images, available quantities, and item condition.
  • Each listing must accurately and completely describe the item/items for sale in that listing.
  • Each unique item must have its own listing.
  • You are responsible for setting the listing price of each item to include shipping costs in accordance with Swappa's Sale Fulfillment policies. Swappa may add a fee to any listing price for selling services.

Your listings may only include text descriptions, graphics, pictures and other content relevant to the sale of that item. Swappa may reject and remove from the Site any text descriptions, graphics, pictures and other content posted by any user of the Site or other Swappa Services at its discretion.

Transaction Payments

Marketplace payments are to be made directly by the Buyer to the Seller in accordance with Swappa’s site-wide policies. Payment may be made via PayPal or another third-party payment provider as mutually agreed upon by the Buyer and Seller. Buyer may, by agreement with the Seller, elect to make payment by cash, check or other payment method accepted by Seller for sales completed in person. Seller is solely responsible for ensuring proper payment is received from Buyer, including any necessary taxes and shipping expenses, before fulfilling the sale.

Sale Fulfillment

Seller is obligated to fulfill a sale or otherwise complete the transaction with the buyer in a prompt manner.

Shipping Policies

Standard shipping policies apply to all Swappa sales.

  • Sellers are expected to ship within two business days of receiving payment. (eCheck payments are not considered received until cleared.)
  • Standard shipping costs (ground shipping with tracking and insurance in the same country) should be included in the listed price.
  • Seller may use the shipping method of its choice so long as the shipping method offers reasonable transit times and a valid tracking number that can be provided to the buyer at the time the product is shipped.
  • Seller must communicate shipping tracking data, including carrier and tracing number, to buyer and Swappa.

Sale Voidance

Swappa sales are binding, though they may become void in certain circumstances.

  • Seller may void a sale if full payment is not received from the buyer.
  • Seller may void a sale if the buyer does not meet stated, required criteria for buying.
    • If the seller advertises US-only shipping and the buyer is in a different country, the seller may void the sale.
    • If the seller requires a PayPal confirmed address and the buyer does not have one, the seller may void the sale.
  • Seller may void a sale if the buyer requests unreasonable shipping methods (e.g. overnight shipping).
  • Seller may not (in good standing) void a sale because they forgot to include shipping costs.
  • Seller may void a sale if they suspect fraud on the part of the buyer. In events of suspected fraud the seller must notify Swappa immediately.
  • Buyer may void a sale and request a refund if the seller does not comply with Sale Fulfillment policies.

Returns and Refunds

If you did not receive what was advertised, please refer to our Return and Refund Polices.

Additional Policies

Additional policies and information may be defined and/or clarified in our FAQ pages.

Privacy Policies

Swappa's privacy policies can be found on our Privacy page.

Terms of Use

See Swappa's Terms of Use.